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Professional Dispositions

I have demonstrated most of the Professional Dispositions proficiently, and I know a few I didn’t meet during my time in Valencia. The first would be “Dresses to convey professionalism appropriate to site and content.” Although I feel like I was never dressed inappropriately, I believe that in some cases, I wasn’t fully implementing Iale’s dress code by wearing tennis shoes most of the time. This was for a few reasons: Many of my commutes, including walking long distances and wearing flats or sandals, were very uncomfortable and even caused blisters on my feet. I couldn’t find affordable, comfortable shoes matching my packed outfits. I must mention that no one ever reprimanded me for this, however, in comparison to other women at the school.

Another area I loosely had experience in during my time here is “Demonstrates an understanding of how families and communities impact student learning.” Although I understand the importance of families and communities and how they impact student learning, I didn’t get the opportunity to work with them and see firsthand how it's demonstrated in Spanish culture.

My student teaching experience has prepared me to take the lead role in my future classrooms, especially incorporating some of the Spanish instruction and expectations that I have learned here. I am grateful to my mentor teacher and the other teachers I worked with along the way, and I look forward to continuing to collaborate with them as my student teaching ends.

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©2022 by Marquita Woods.

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